Mmmm - sounds intriging hey...
Today we had a sign that the day light hours were extending - now noticeably lighter at either end of the day, both in the morning and evening. As a result the chickens are seeing a little more light, out scratching around by 7.45am and not turning in until 5pm. The reward for this is that we are lucky to have an increase in their egg production and with a variety of hen types we then get a more varied selection of shape, size and of course colour.
Well today our Cream Legbar, Denis (named after Denis Waterman - Minder, as she looks after the bantams) laid, for the first time in many, many months and this means one thing:
Bring on the spring - and all the usual signs - new green shoots, warmer temperatures and of course the dawn chorus - can't wait...
Happy New Year!!