Godney Aquaponics - godneyaquaponics.com
Producing locally grown food for the village of Godney
Godney Aquaponics
Godney Aquaponics
In the village of Godney, with the beautiful back drop of the Glastonbury Tor, Melv and Sal are embarking on a new venture. Fed up with the poor quality of veg in the shops, they have the ambition to set up an aquaponics system to provide fresh vegetables and salad crops for the village, and with a little help from their hens a supply of fresh free range eggs too.
What is Aquaponics??
What is Aquaponics??
Aquaponics is a sustainable method of producing quality food with minimal external inputs. It is a system that combines conventional aquaculture (e.g. fish in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. Water from the aquaculture system is fed to the hydroponic system where the by-products are broken down and are utilised by the plants as nutrients, and the water is then re-circulated back to the aquaculture system.
Saturday, 7 May 2022
Home grown
Saturday, 12 March 2022
Every storm has a silver lining ...
Well we have certainly having some stormy weather of late and the wind!!!
We were dreading the weather forecasted, especially with 4 polytunnels ...
But we certainly escaped lightly and I am so pleased that the only gripe I had after the event was why does it always fall on someone else's fence!!
A large willow had managed to go crashing on to our neighbour's boundary balanced precariously on their wooden fence, holding their horses in.Saturday, 5 February 2022
Godneyaquaponics.com goes live
Black Garlic is a unique product with a fig-like texture. With a completely different taste to the pungency of white garlic, it is both sweet & savoury with a flavour of liquorice, tamarind & balsamic. It is mild and delicious and adds real umami to countless dishes.
This very distinctive product is made through the Maillard process, by heating white garlic at a low temperature with high humidity for many weeks. The slow cooking turns it black, and converts the allicin, which gives white garlic it’s pungent flavour, into a mild, sweet, sticky, delicious ingredient. This process also substantially increases the number of healthy compounds much higher than found in white garlic, such as S-Allylcysteine, a powerful antioxidant.
Godney Aquaponics are now selling this both via select retail outlets and online.
& Bay Smoked Large Garlic
Sunday, 16 January 2022
A little sign of spring
Saturday, 27 November 2021
There aint no drama with a Brahma!!
Sunday, 1 August 2021
Its in the Chiller, Chiller Now...
Wasn't that a song that Michael Jackson sang, well kind of, with a bit of artistic licence?!?
With now so many demands on our time, largely generated by the ever changing pandemic rules, in and out of lockdown, changing opening hours and moving from takeaways to inside seating, we have recently been unable to do our local delivery.
So as way of small compensation we have finally managed to set up a glass fronted fridge at our Godney cottage ready to be filled with lovely fresh produce, so local people and visitors alike don't miss out.
In true Melvyn style, give him a building project and he is in his element and constructing a produce hut was no exception.
Friday, 28 May 2021
Mealworm Magic
Our 'Hotbox' used for growing unusual garnishes such as sweetcorn shoots and sweet pea shoots has recently been put to another exciting enterprise. Found dumped on a drove just outside the village the hotbox is an upright fridge freezer that we have recycled, cleaned up and adapted.
With the installation of a small heater, we use the appliance to grow plants which like warmth and need to be in the dark, the freezer became a sealed hotbox.

Home grown
Now normally with our horticultural hats on when we talk about home grown we are refering to vegetables. But for the first time since we hav...
Although we have been making our own compost in conventional bays for some time now, which Melv increased the size of just recently, these...
Now normally with our horticultural hats on when we talk about home grown we are refering to vegetables. But for the first time since we hav...
Neither of us have either worried about learning through trial and error, after all that is often the only way to learn when you are doing s...